Book Review: Linchpin
“There are no longer any great jobs where someone else tells you precisely what to do.” – Seth Godin, Linchpin
I’ll keep this brief: Linchpin is a user’s manual to making yourself indispensable in the workplace. It’s a guide to avoiding being the replaceable ”cog” that our modern, assembly line-loving, cost-cutting society trains us to be. To become an artist instead, at whatever it is you do.
Overall, a good book, though I felt it was longer than it needed to be. It successfully makes its argument within the first few chapters, and hammers home its point with many real-world examples and the occasional hand drawn diagram. I found most of the information pretty intuitive, so perhaps that’s why I grew a bit bored as it wore on. The writing style is down to earth, passionate, and conversational, making it an easy read.
I’m recommending this not because I profusely enjoyed it (I didn’t) or because I couldn’t put it down (I could). I’m recommending it because I completely agree with its message, and if you don’t already know this stuff, you really should.
For anyone working and looking to become irreplaceable (to the left, to the left) at their job, give it a read. As for me, I think I’m ready to return to the realm of fiction. xx