Scar Lion King Drag Makeup + Cosplay
Oh you thought I only cosplayed Disney Princesses, huh? In honour of The Lion King coming out today, I decided to do a little Scar drag makeup and cosplay.
I didn’t want to turn myself into a literal lion, so instead I drew inspiration from elements of Scar’s look in the animated Lion King movie and created this androgynous, humanoid Scar look. It’s a big departure for me, but honestly? I’m kind of digging it.

^ Simba is anyone getting to know me.
Scar has always been one of my favourite Disney villains. He’s incredibly sarcastic, has a very dry wit, and is world-weary. He also has delivers sick burns like, “I know that your powers of retention / are as wet as a warthog’s backside / but thick as you are, pay attention! / My words are a matter of pride.” Ouch, dude.
On the downside, he committed a movie murder that traumatized a generation, and every generation following. So there’s that. Well, nobody’s perfect!

Scar vs. Scar in the live-action movie. Sliiiightly different. A little less fabulous.
These are the elements from Scar’s animated look that I incorporated into my Scar drag makeup look:
– Very arched, haughty black eyebrows
– Deep-set, dark and smokey bedroom eyes
– Scar on one eye
– Thin, curved black lips
– Green eyes with yellow whites
– Dramatic cheekbones and angular face
– Sharp widow’s peak
– Big, unkempt black mane
Scar drag makeup
My face shape is the exact opposite of Scar’s, so this look is brought to you by HELLA contouring. After gluing down my brows and applying full-coverage foundation, I dramatically highlighted my face with a white paint stick on the high points, and Too Faced Chocolate Soleil matte bronzer for the cheekbones.
To give more of an androgynous look and to carve out my face a bit more, I took the bronzer down the middle of each cheek towards my chin, rather than just below the cheekbone. I also carved out my jaw and applied the contour to the underside of my nose to slightly make reference to Scar’s darkened nose.
To further deepen my eye sockets and emphasize my already “bedroom eyes” (what a bizarre term), I used a black shadow in my crease, bringing it up to where my natural eyebrows would have been. I blended a few dark brown eyeshadows on my lids, under my eyes, and up to where I wanted my new, Scar eyebrows to be, too – replicating the shape Scar has in the animated movie.
I drew in the brows with my trusty black liquid liner, which I also used around my eyes to create a cat eye shape, and on my lips so the black wouldn’t budge. I pressed a matte black eyeshadow on top of the liner for my brows and around my eyes, to mattify the liner and help it look more animated and less shiny in photos.
Finishing touches
I used NYX jumbo eye pencil in “Milk” (a creamy white) to draw in the scar around my eye, and used a lip brush in some red lipstick to create the reddish, blended outline. I covered that with a bit of brown matte eyeshadow so the red lipstick looked more like a wound and less pink.
I’m wearing green coloured contacts by Desio, and to try to replicate the yellow whites of Scar’s eyes, I used NYX Milk pencil (again) on my lower waterline, pressing a bright yellow eyeshadow on top. This SERIOUSLY pissed off my eyes because I got powder on (in? under?) my contacts and that was not a good time. But hey, it kind of worked and gave me the result I was hoping for (bloodshot eyes notwithstanding).

“Long…live…the KING”
Scar’s mane
To create Scar’s widow’s peak, I painted a triangle shape on my forehead with black liquid liner, then adding black eyeshadow on top to mattify it and soften the edges. I’m wearing a black lace-front wig from Amazon which I teased a tiny bit to give Scar’s messy-but-still-luscious hair look.
I also spent more time than I care to admit wrestling with the top bit trying to try to recreate the little pompadour flick he has.
That’s it from me! Let me know if you see the new Lion King movie, and what you think of it. I absolutely cannot wait. In the meantime, I’ll be listening to Be Prepared on a loop.
Thanks for reading!
– Sara
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