Category Archives for Makeup
Iridescent Pride Makeup ft. Unicorn Skin
As promised, here’s the sparkly, iridescent makeup I wore on Pride weekend to match my iridescent Pride outfit. I absolutely loved how this makeup turned out! It’s one of the simpler creative makeup looks I’ve done recently, but it went with my Pride outfit perfectly and I was feeling the fantasy all day long.
This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one at this point, but I’m a big fan of glitter. But with great power comes great responsibility, and I’ve learned some things about using glitter responsibly that I’d like to pass along to you. (more…)
Hermione Granger Cosplay / Costume
Hiiiiiii, welcome to my first full costume reveal of the year: a Hermione Granger cosplay! I’ve been sitting on this secret for months, so I’m thrilled to finally be able to share it with you. (That’s why my hair’s so big – it’s full of secrets.) (more…)
Lash Stash: Koko Lashes Haul + Review
If you’ve been a longtime reader of my blog, you might remember my last lash haul from back in December of 2015. I bought 5 pairs from House of Lashes, and have been wearing them for costumes, cosplays, and special occasions (sometimes cut up, sometimes whole) ever since. Since I don’t wear lashes on a daily basis, they last me a long time. And lashes last even longer if you invest in better quality ones, and take good care of them.
(Don’t put mascara on them and make them all clumpy! Remove the glue from the strip at the end of the night! Be gentle putting them on and taking them off! Don’t pull and bend them all out of shape! Store them properly so they stay protected!!!)
That’s why I haven’t needed to buy new lashes for almost FOUR YEARS. But I finally used them up, so here we are. (more…)
The Girl with the Drag(on) Tattoo
If you thought regular winged liner was hard, welcome to expert mode. As I’ve said before, I enjoy getting creative with makeup, and once the idea to draw a dragon tattoo in liquid liner entered my head, there was no getting rid of it.
I knew it would be a challenge, but I didn’t realize exactly how hard it would be. I guess I temporarily forgot that the dragon “tattoo” would extend to the side of my face, and that my eyeballs can’t really…see there. In short, I almost went cross-eyed doing this, and pushed my peripheral vision to its absolute limits. But nobody said being the mother of drag(ons) was easy. (more…)
Iridescent Unicorn Drag Makeup
I called this makeup look “iridescent unicorn drag makeup” because I didn’t really know what to call it, but welcome to my Polly Pocket/Care Bears/Sky Dancer/pastel glitter butterfly fantasy. AKA Taylor Swift’s new #aesthetic.
While I don’t need an excuse to attach rhinestones, glitter, and lashes to my face, in this case I happen to have one. (more…)
What I Bought in the Sephora Sale
A couple of weeks ago, Sephora had their semi-annual VIB event, which meant Beauty Insiders got 10% off their total purchase, VIBs got 15% off, and VIB Rouges got 20% off their purchase. I always try to wait for this sale to stock up on products I’ve run low on and need to repurchase. Plus it’s a good excuse to splurge on that luxury beauty item you’ve been eyeing. “But it’s discounted now! I’d be stupid not to buy it!!”
Since I’m a deeply curious person who always wants to know what other people grabbed during this sale, here’s what I picked up. (more…)
The Bratz Challenge
What do you do when it’s Friday night, and none of your friends are free? Turn yourself into a Bratz doll, of course.
I *just* missed the Bratz era growing up (I was a Barbie, Lego, and Hot Wheels gal), but I’ve been seeing the Bratz challenge floating around the internet, and got the itch to try it for myself. Since we all know I’m an all natural, lip-balm-and-mascara kind of woman (ha!), this seemed like a perfect fit.
And all it took was a wig, coloured contacts, extreme contouring, dollar store accessories, and drawing my lips up to my nose. Who knew! If you’re interested in a more detailed breakdown, keep reading. (more…)
My Subtle Glam Makeup
I haven’t done a post entirely about makeup in a million years, largely because I had to work through a bunch of dumb internalized misogyny within myself first. I had a teeny tiny l’il existential crisis (that lasted a few years) around whether blogging about makeup/fashion made me a shallow, frivolous person, but guess what? Those things are art forms, and they deserve to be celebrated.
Art forms that are deemed “feminine” have been historically devalued and dismissed. So f*ck that. I’m a creative person who is passionate about beauty and fashion, among many, many other things – so I’m back. Get ready for more content on this blog, folks. (more…)
An Honest Glossier Review + Swatches
This Glossier review would have been called “I Spent All My Money on Glossier So You Don’t Have To“, but SEO doesn’t want me to be cute. When I shared on my insta stories that I bought some goodies from Glossier (yes, your girl fell for yet another Instagram ad), many of you reached out to ask for my review. I’ve thoroughly tested out all these Glossier products for about a month, so that I could give each a really fair chance. And I have a lot to say.
Some of the products I loved, some I found massively overhyped. So if you’ve been considering making a purchase at Glossier, you’ll want to read this first. And use my link to get 10% off your order! (more…)
Belle Gold Dress Costume + Cosplay
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I’m so excited to finally share this costume with you. I’ve been sitting on this secret for months.
This post is going to be long, because I have a serious bone to pick with Disney. Specifically, the live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast. But I’ll put that rant at the end of the post. Let’s talk about this Belle gold dress costume first. (more…)
1920s Gatsby / Daisy Buchanan Costume
Dress (similar) | Headpiece | Bracelets | Heels
Hello again! I took another little trip through time and thought I’d share it with you! My awesome, fellow-costume-party-enthusiast friend Katya had a birthday over the weekend, which meant: another fabulous theme party. This time? The roaring twenties.
Since I had already done a 1920s traditional flapper costume for a Christmas party a few years ago, I wanted to do something different this time around. Instead of going super dark and vampy, I took cues from Baz Luhrmann’s version of The Great Gatsby film – specifically, Daisy Buchanan’s party costume. (more…)
1960s Mad Men Party
I happen to not be the only one of my friends who loves a good theme party. And thank goodness for that! On Saturday, my friend Katya threw a 1960s party at her penthouse condo. It was an absolutely fabulous night, full of cocktails, retro music, and dancing into the wee hours. In fact, I didn’t get home until almost 7 in the morning! Her condo is decorated mid-century modern, with 1960s movie posters and retro Coke ads adorning the walls. It felt like stepping into an episode of Mad Men.
The sixties – specifically the early and mid-sixties – is one of my favourite eras for fashion. I spent hours scouring the internet for the perfect retro dress, but didn’t find anything I was happy with. So I ended up putting together this look with items I already had in my closet, and hoped I could pull it off with the help of accurate 1960s hair and makeup. (more…)
Hunter Green Jumpsuit + Jasmine Vibes

Quick links: Moon Necklace | Hair Cuff | Hoop Earrings
This past weekend, we got together to celebrate my close girlfriend’s engagement to her wonderful fiancé. Both families and a plethora of friends came together over bubbly and a mouthwatering spread of Indian and Vietnamese food to surround the happy couple with love and well wishes. It was a beautiful event that made me tear up more than once. I care about her so damn much, and couldn’t be happier for her.
Still a little worn out from holiday party dress season, I opted for something a little different. Enter: the jumpsuit. (more…)
Wonder Woman Halloween Costume
Greetings from Themyscira! So, are you surprised I dressed up as Wonder Woman for Halloween this year? No? Huh.
Read on for all the details on this costume/cosplay, including all the product links, my tips and tricks, and photos of me pretending to fight things. (more…)
Snow White Halloween Costume
I’m baaaaack! And just in time for Halloween. You didn’t think I’d miss an opportunity to play dress up, did you? I’ve dressed up as many iconic fictional females, from Holly Golightly to Lara Croft to Hermione Granger to Belle. This year, I went for the original Disney princess: Snow White. (more…)